1816113 Old Oil Art Painting of the Renaissance PS Action 22694930
Photoshop ABR, Photoshop PAT, Photoshop ATN | 19 Mb
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Old Oil Art Photoshop action will give your photos the effect of oil paintings by Renaissance artists. It is well suited for portraits and landscapes. The effect can be customised easily.
- Works on Photoshop CC2015 and newer and ONLY for ENGLISH VERSION of Photoshop. Make sure, that your software has an active Oil Paint Filter (Filter – Stylize – Oil Paint
- Customisable realistic beautiful effect
- Well organized layer structure
- Easy to use
- Help PDF file included
- Optimal image sizes: 2500-4500px
- File size – 20.1 MB
- Make sure that you are using English version of Photoshop.
- Use RGB mode at 8 bits/channel
- Make sure that the option “Add ‘copy’ to Copied Layers and Groups” is turned on (Layers Tab – Panel Options)
- Set brush opacity and flow to 100%
- Load to your Photoshop included brushes, patterns and tool preset
- Open your image, create new layer and paint your focus-area
- Load action to your Photoshop. To do this go to menu Window – Actions – Load actions and select OLDOILART.atn
- Run the action
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