2007489 Oil Painting Photoshop Action 26503408
Photoshop ABR, Photoshop PAT, Photoshop ATN | 534 Mb
With Oil Painting Photoshop Action, you can apply realistic and professional oil painting effect to your photos without the need for oil painting plugin.
For detailed video tutorial:
- 20 Color Effects
- 11 Texture Effects
- Realistic Results Like Hand-painted
- Easy To Use
- Organized Layers
- Time Saving
- Action perfectly works on Mac and PC
These actions support Photoshop CS3-CS4-CS5-CS6-CC versions and work only for ENGLISH VERSION on Photoshop. If you need to change the language of version, watch here. (don’t worry, then you can return to your native language again easily.)
Photos used in preview are not included.