1909143 GMaster PRO Watercolor Photoshop Action 24387642
Photoshop ATN | 23 Mb
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Working Software Version : CC2018 English Version. If you are not using the English version, you can switch your Photoshop in English, play the action and return to your language back.
Software support version : Cs4, CS5, CS6 , CC2017+ Version
How to usage help file include main file
Photos : photo are not include
This action set has been developed for any type of cover design for example magazine, book, advertisement , poster, Photographers and Personal graphic or designers.
These Photoshop watercolor actions convert photos to watercolor paintings with just a click. Easily and full customizable result!
1. use photo sizes between 3000–4000px (recommended 3500px)
2. use photo resolution between 240-300dpi (recommended 300pdi)
3. use RGB and 8bit color mode in Photoshop
4. use English versions of Photoshop CS4,CS5,CS6,CC,CC2014,CC2015,CC2015.5
5. set your photo as the background (Layer -> New -> Layer from Background)
6. set Photoshop brushes opacity 100% and flow 100%