2108188 Engrave Photoshop Action 6213360
Photoshop ATN | 19 Mb
Engrave Photoshop Action
This action is designed to transform your photo’s into real Engrave look. With this is professional pack you may turn your ordinary photos into extraordinary images. Easy to customize, Non-destructive effect. In this action you well get 10 different color option when you open unviewed eye. You can change color very easily.
This action has been tested and working on Photoshop (English versions) CC2020 English Version.
Software supported version:CS5.5 ,CS6,CC2014,CC2015,CC2015.5,CC2016, CC2017,CC2018,CC2019,CC2020+ English Version.
Most important instruction:
(1)For good result first you need Resize your images 1000×1000 dpi 72
(2)Open your photo take a new layer then rename “paint”( in lowercase). Then select a brush and paint your image. Close “paint” layer eye and keep selection “paint” layer Then click action play button.
File Includes:
- Two Version Action File include :
- if you usage CS5.5 ,CS6 so please usage “For CS5.5,CS6 Engrave Photoshop Action
- if you usage CC,CC2015.5,CC2016,CC207,CC2018,CC2019,CC2020+ please usage “For CC2020 Engrave Photoshop Action
- Need Oil Plugin
- 10 Different Color option
- Help File
- PDF Help File
- Work on every photos.
- High quality result.
- Easy Customizable
- Organize layers
- Easy Install
- User Guide
- Easy to Use
Image Size: 1000×1000 dpi 72