2006057 Dynamical Poster Photoshop Action 26048077
Photoshop ABR, Photoshop PAT, Photoshop ATN | 3 Mb
Are you a graphic designer? Do you look for a professional poster? you can do that in just 1 click with Dynamical Poster Action.
Dynamical Poster’s a professional PS Action that converts your photo to a modern poster in less than 1 minute.
Dynamical Poster Contains:
- 100% Editable Colors & Sizes.
- Modern Shapes & Gradients Effect.
- 03 Size of Frame.
- Simple & Modern Design.
- Editable Background Color
Before use Dynamical Poster:
- Make Sure Your Minimum Photoshop Version’s CS3.
- Make Sure Your Color Mode’s RGB.
- Make Sure Your Channel Bit’s 8 bits/channel.
- Make Sure Your Photoshop Language’s English.
How To use Dynamical Poster:
- Open Your Image Inside Your Photoshop.
- Create a New Empty Layer and Name it “object”.
- Brush on Your Main Object With any Color.
- Open Dynamical Poster PS Action Folder From The Actions Panel, Choose This Action: Play Dynamical Poster And Click Play.
For Best Result Use a Photo With High Dimension (Minimum Width Size’s 3000px). For Best Result Use a Portrait Photo or a Photo With aclose-up object.