2101353 Classic Oil Painting Action 29650425
Photoshop ATN | 1 Mb
Classic Oil Painting action is easy, simple and a professional action pack. Just install and hit play button for awesome Classic Oil Painting Effect. This action will support all Photoshop versions (CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC, CC15, CC16, CC17, CC18, CC19, CC20 and above). You can get look like artistic effect, dramatic effect, oil painting, glamour oily effect, portrait effect & oil retouch effect from this action. The action is very creative and professional.
Action Features
- One click to apply an amazing effects on your photo.
- Clean actions, Clean work.
- Easy to use.
- Recommended image size ( 3000px – 4000px )
- Oily effect, Portrait Oil Effect, Oily Retouch effect, Black & White effect & Oily Dramatic effect, Oily Artistic effect, Classic oil painting effect.
- Editable layers available
- Perfect photography effect
- Easily customization (Adjust Settings)
- **No need oil paint plug-in
No need oil paint plug-in but you need Camera Raw Filter for play this action. Read this product details carefully
Tested Result
Very shorted Just play and wait 20 or 30 second. The action is thoroughly tested across between 25 & 30 different photos to ensure there are no errors. In the case where you do experience an error, please firstly read all help file then play action.