2007255 Cinematic Color Toning Action 26432745
Photoshop ATN | 924 Kb
Cinematic Color Toning Action is Professional & Modern for Photographers and Designers. Each effect has been crafted to look great with a wide variety of images. In many instances, you will be able to get a great result with a single click. However, you can always make adjustments to suit individual photos. Take your photography to the next level, being able to professionally edit your images.
- One click to apply an amazing effects on your photo
- Clean actions, Clean work
- Total 10 Action effects
- Recommended image size ( 1200px to 5000px )
- Resolution 72 or 300 DPI
- HDR,Retouch & Dramatic Effect
- No need any plug-in
- Help file included
- ATN file included