1902136 BallPoint Pen Sketch Photoshop Action 22273455
Photoshop ABR, Photoshop PAT, Photoshop ATN | 18 Mb
Get a professional BallPoint Pen Sketch effect on your photos with just a few steps. You should not worry about the name of layer in which you will use the bursh, the action will create it for you.
This action has been tested and optimized for use on Photoshop CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015.5, CC 2017.
This photoshop action ONLY WORKS WITH THE ENGLISH PHOTOSHOP VERSION. If you do not use an English version of Photoshop, you must change the language before you can use this action.
For best results, use photos in the range of 2500px – 3500px
I recommend using portrait photography or half-length photography for this action.
- A: Be sure to use the Photoshop English Version.
(PC) Edit > Preferences > Interface > UI Language
(Mac) Photoshop > Preferences > Interface > UI Language
- B: Be sure to use RGB Mode and 8 Bits Color.
Image > Mode
- C: Load Pattern, Brush and others presets.
Edit > Presets Manager > Load Preset Type
- D: Load Action.
Windows > Action > Load Action