2109521 10 Oil Painting Photoshop Action 21167048
Photoshop ATN | 903 Kb
Just install and hit the play button for awesome Oil Painting Effect. This action will support all Photoshop versions (CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC, CC14, CC15, CC16, CC17 & Upper ). You will get dramatic, oily, cartoon, art effect, painting & retouch effect from the action.
- One click to apply an amazing effects on your photo
- Clean actions, Clean work
- Total 10 Action effects
- Recommended image size ( 1200px to 2000px )
- Resolution 72 or 300 DPI
- HDR, Art Effect, Cartoon Effect, Oily Effect, Retouch & Dramatic Effect
- No need oil paint plug-in
- Help file included
- ATN file included