2002362 Tooth Paste Psd Mockup 25647243
Photoshop PSD | 7500×5000 | 380 Mb
Tooth Paste Psd Mockup is a psd editable template ideal for make any design presentation with almost three simple steps in few seconds.
This Psd Mockup Template present to you the most effective way to display your design! with premium quality, great creativity and high level of usability to convert your regular work on your amazing work.
As a result you will get a rich and advanced functionality powered by smart object that meant you can place your design by intuitive way with automatic perspectives, shadow and lights management you only need a place your design intro to the smart object and they will generate high impact product shoot.
In addition you will get free support if you need we usually respond to support requests within 24 hours on weekdays, depending on the number of requests in queue.
– Get 5 psd files with a similar settings in the layers this makes it easy to customize.
– Changing perspectives and layer masking not needed simply place your design.
– Easy customization using smart object layer.
– You’ll find a PDF help file.
– Easy for place your design.
– Clipping path are included.
– Well layers organization.
– High resolution 300 dpi.
– Color mode: RGB.
– Photoshop 100%.
– Very nice look.