1908378 Square TriFold Brochure Mockup 23525982
Photoshop PSD | 1.67 Gb
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This item consist of 12 different styles of square trifold brochure mock-ups to showcase your design in realistic appearances. These mock-ups files uses smart object feature which help you change the design just in seconds (PDF instruction included).
- High Resolution 4000×2667 pixels
- Square dimension of trifold brochure (Left, Middle, Right), view outside and inside
- 12 PSD files
- 03 Photographic filters inside each PSD files
- Organized Layer
- Good result for dark and bright light design
- Customization via Smart Object
- On/off or Decrease/increase shadows and specular/highlight effect
- Changeable image background (automatic perspective result)
- Available for transparent background
- Available for background only color
- Instruction included (.PDF)
- Images used in this preview is not included
- I am thankful to be a part of your work