2012170 Sardine Tin Mockup 4890080
Photoshop PSD | 26 Mb
The fish tin mockup contains one versatile file that has 2 fish tins that can be moved around the page for countless compositions.
• Tabs can be turned on and off and moved around the tin for different placements.
• Editable background
• Display only one bar or duplicate the bars and show 10!
• Artwork featured in this mockup is not included in the file. Graphics and surface patterns can be purchased at https://creativemarket.com/FieldOffice/shop/graphics
• Patterns by Rebecca Silus // instagram.com/rebeccasilus (artwork not included with mockup)
• This product was created with Adobe Photoshop CC 2020, which uses Smart Objects—if you have an older version of Photoshop, please verify that it can work with this file format before purchasing (digital products are non-refundable).