1805155 Oceanside LR Preset Pack 2379963
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Designed and used by Professional Wedding Photographers, this is a part of my new Wandering Hearts Products for Lightroom, a brand new preset style for Wedding & Portraits.
Oceanside Pack is great for outdoor shoots. These presets bright out an earthly palette and mildly desaturates colors with crushed highlights. You will receive 10 different presets with
Oceanside Earthy Outdoor Toning as well as a 55 Preset Tool Kit and a PDF Guide.
10 Oceanside Lightroom Presets
PDF Instructions/Usage
Access to the Photographers Helper Private FB Group
Compatible with PC & Mac / Lightroom CC, CC Classic, & Lightroom 3-7
International Orders Accepted
Tool Kit for Lightroom with 55 Tool Presets to help you correct your white balance, noise, sharpness, brightness, contrast, saturation, etc. For issues that were not fixable in camera. These can be stacked on top of your presets as a finisher to help achieve the perfect edit.